A new high-level quest is introduced, The Secret Library Quest, which revolves around finding the Secret Library of Zathroth and then fighting some bosses inside it. Along this questline, other locations with very strong creatures were introduced or updated: the Falcon Bastion, the underground Asura Palace, The Extension Site, the Deep Desert and the Ancient Ancestorial Grounds. Two new small islands were introduced (Raxias's island and one between the Laguna Islands), and two existing islands that were unreachable can now be accessed, the Arctic Faun's Island and the island west of Meluna. The Cyclopedia was extended again and received a new Map which displays the full map and satellite view of the ground floors and above, as well as the floors underground which the player have explored. The Cyclopedia Map is also the core part of the Measuring Tibia Quest, in which players must explore the map to discover Points of Interest to unlock new data in the map, as well as receive achievements and an outfit. The Tibia client also received other new features, namely the Supply Stash (a special searchable container for stackable items in the Locker), the Auto-Screenshot feature and larger Status Bars that can be placed around the Game Window. Several uncommon and rare creatures that already existed were also added to the Bestiary, which now also classify creatures according to their occurrence.
Reg Organizer 8.41 full KEY final version [updated 12 25 2019 ]
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