If you are interested in knowing about your star sign, the month of your birth, or time zones around the world, this software is perfect for you. Every user can select one or more zodiac signs to locate their exact birth date and time. It also offers information on the history of astrology and how it has evolved over centuries. Users can also search by their name or city to find out what kind of astrological personality they have based on their horoscope. This software is extremely easy-to-use with its simple interface that anyone can use immediately without any previous knowledge or understanding about astrology. Kalaimagal also has a compilation of other free software that other users can use, such as Detailed Horoscope for Men or Detailed Horoscope for Women. This software is considered as a holistic form of astrology. It focuses strongly on the four elements - water, fire, earth and air. Kalaimagal uses those to create the concepts of the Chinese zodiac, which gives an understanding about how to personify those elements in various ways throughout different aspects of life. In this software you will find the original birth chart as well as its Chinese translation as well as an interpretation from their 12-year cycle or kumpolukadu(K). It also features two calendars - one for Tamil and the other to the western one. The kalaimagal astrology software is available in five languages - Tamil, Hindi, English, Kannada and Telugu. It can be downloaded for free for both Windows and Mac. This free software is a remarkable software in terms of its versatility. It has a wide range of features that includes the following:The application has been downloaded by over 250,000 users from all over the world. Kalaimagal believes that "with the help of this tool people can acquire information about their peers and thereby strengthen the relations with them". In addition, it has been featured in several major online publications such as CNET, The Hindu and The Hindu Business Line. The following are the scholars who have contributed to this project in some way or other. http://www.kalaimagalastrologysoftware. com/ http://www.kalaimagalastrologysoftware.com/aboutus.html https://twitter.com/KALA_MAGALA_ASTROLOGY https://en-gb.facebook.com/kalaimagalastrologysoftware List of free software for astrology in English: http://indianastrologer.com/category/free-software-for-astrology http://indianastrologer.com/blog/?p=1509 List of free software for astrology in Tamil: http://www.kalaimagalastrologysoftware. 8eeb4e9f32 39
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