The LibPacks are code libraries for Visual Basic (generally, VB6) that are designed to work well together, and generally make use of each other. Among other things, LibPackImaging contains support for the FreeImage library. This allows for loading and saving in a variety of formats, some graphics operations (rotation, scaling, etc.), and more. It is available for download with the rest of the LibPacks. By Michael Bailey & Murphy McCauley.
However, there is a bug in the latest release 2.5 of the VB6 / VBA wrapper,which prevents it from running in VBA environments. Two constants, that aredefined in the VBRUN library (Visual Basic runtime objects and procedures) areused internally. I know now way of referencing this library in VBA. So, thereis a new version of the MFreeImage.bas module available in the CVS. You couldeither download this new version or just replace both constants with theirnumeric value. To do so, compile the VBA code to automatically find theoccurrences of these constants. Then replace vbPicTypeBitmap with 1 andvbPicTypeIcon with 3. That's all.
Freeimage Dll Vba Download
* NOTE : If you have problems downloading these files, try holdingthe key and left-click on the URL of the file. If that doesn't work,right-click on the URL of the file and select "Save Target As..." or "SaveLink As..."
This is the main component of the cSprite_Bitmap.cls and cSprite_Background.cls class modules which use this module to draw sprites on a background. Nothing modCenterWindow.bas Finds the specified window by Class ID or by Titlebar caption and centers the window. Nothing modCOMDLG.bas Gives you all the functionality of the Microsoft Common Dialog (COMDLG32.OCX) ActiveX control, plus A LOT more! No more .OCX to distribute. COMDLG32.DLL modCommon.bas Full of the useful, commonly used functions to read/write to INIs, force a window to become activate, make a window stay top most, remove the X from the upper right of a window, get the windows... win\sys... and temp directories, browse for a directory, etc. Nothing modCompress.bas This module gives you the ability to easily and efficiently compress and decompress files, text, and byte arrays with various compression levels and speeds. This module does not let you "archive" multiple files into one file like some ZIP utilities, but that is something I have figured out how to do and may add if there's an interest shown... or if I ever need such functionality for myself. =) ZLIB.DLL modControls.bas This module is meant to make it easy to find and use controls on parent objects (i.e. - Form, MDIForm, UserControl, PropertyPage or any other parent object which supports the "Controls" collection property and "hWnd" property) based on their names, handles, and/or parent handles. Nothing modCPUInfo.bas This module gives you access to all the core information of the user's computer including: the number of CPUs the computer has, the type of CPU they have, the speed of the CPU, how much RAM the computer has, what type of operating system the user is on, what service pack the user has, etc. Nothing modCPU_Intel.bas This module gives you access to extended information about Intel CPU chips like the true CPU speed, the true CPU model name, extended CPU model name, whether CPU has MMX or not, CPU time stamp info, etc.NOTE : This module has not been tested on Intel compatible CPUs like AMD, etc. VBCPUINF.DLL modCreditCard.bas This module allows you to easily and quickly check if a supplied credit card number is valid. It will also tell you what type of credit card it is based on the number (VISA, MC, Discover, Amer Ex, or Diners Club).WARNING: This module is NOT meant to tell you if the credit card number is "valid"... only that it is "well formed". You should only use this routine to make sure the user correctly typed in their credit card number before submitting it to a third party company. They will tell you if the account that the number represents exists, is valid, and has not expired. Nothing modDosCommand.bas This module is very similar to "modShellCommand.bas", however it does not write out to a temp file in order to capture the output text. This is useful when you need everything to be done in memory or you have file access/permissions issues with your users. Windows NT based Operating System modDownload.bas This module wraps the MS INET control to give you an easy to use interface to download files from the internet via a variety of standard internet protocols. MSINET.OCX modDUN.bas Allows full, low-level access to the Dial-Up Networking (DUN) components on your computer as well as information about Remote Access Server (RAS) connections. This module also allows you to create and hang-up connections to the internet or a remote server behind the schenes so that the user never has to interact with dialogs. (See Module) modErrorHandler.bas This module makes it easy to trap, track, and log errors in a central location. CDONTS.DLL MSXML 2.0 modFindFile_API.bas A powerful and fast module that gives you the ability to programatically search for a specified file in a number of ways over the specified folders and/or drives. It also gives you easy access to information about the user's drive configurations / file systems. Nothing modFindFile_FSO.bas A powerful and dynamic module that gives you the ability to programatically search for a specified file in a number of ways over the specified folders and/or drives. It also gives you easy access to information about the user's drive configurations / file systems. SCRRUN.DLL (Microsoft Scripting Run Time Library) modFonts.bas Allows you to easily populate a ComboBox, ListBox, or multi-lined TextBox with the names of all the available fonts on the user's system. Nothing modFreeImage.bas * IMPORTANT:As of April 8, 2004 the "modFreeImage.bas" module for VB5 and VB6 is no longer available as a FREE download from "The VB Zone" web site. The FreeImage wrapper module is now part of the "Advanced Imagery Library" which is sold for $25.00 USD ($15.00 USD if you previously purchased the "Advanced Bitmap Processing" module) via "The VB Zone" web site.
FreeImage.dll modFTP.bas This module uses the WININET.DLL to give you full FTP functionality including the ability download files, upload files, get directory listings, change directories, and find out details about files located on an FTP server. You also have the ability to use passive FTP connectivity and ASCII (Type A) and Binary (TYPE I) transfer methods to transfer files. modWININET.bas
The standard approach of installing Ubuntu desktop operating system is burning and booting an installation CD. This has been detailed in How to install Ubuntu Desktop article. If you have trouble burning and/or booting from CDs, or you don't want to burn a CD,Ubuntu or other Linux distributions can be created and installed from a USB drive. Here I listed the essential steps for creating a bootable Ubuntu installation USB drive.58. How to install Ubuntu DesktopNowadays people start to explore and use Linux on their older computers because Linux is much leaner than Windows and so suitable for older computers. Another important reason is that Linux is free to download and use. Among themany different Linux hybrids to choose from, Ubuntu is currently the most popular Linux desktop distribution.59. How to integrate PHP HTML Help .chm file with Crimson EditorA common feature of an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is opening a relevant topic in help system by pressing a function key such as F1 when a word is selected in the IDE. Crimson Editor has made this extremely flexible.60. How to Unselect MS Access Radio Buttons (Option Group)Radio buttons are useful MS Access user interface control element in Access Forms design. It is useful in that there isonly one radio button can be selected at any time. So when you need the user to select only one choice froma group of options, use radio button. To create a group of radio buttons in Access, use the Option Group control.61. How to make AutoPlay take a particular action when the device is connected to computerHow many times you have selected "Open folder to view files" when connecting a USB stick to your computer (Windows XP in particular).This AutoPlay prompt is just annoying. Would it be nice if you don't have to select anything and the USB drive is automatically opened for file viewing?62. How to resize one or more photos (in batch) with Microsoft freewareMany times the photos taken by digital cameras are too large for storage on digital photo frame, attaching to emails, orused on a website. It's very common that you will want to resize a photo or all the photos inside a folderfor a batch processing. There are quite a few image resizing software on the internet to download. Microsoft Image Resizer is one of them.63. How to Change Query Timeout Value for MS Access SQL QueriesBy default, query timeout value in MS Access is 60 seconds. This value can be changed at three different levels. Each level is effective for a specific scope of queries.64. How to protect your files and folders with highly secure encryption softwareHave you ever wondered how you could safely protect a few folders and all files in these folders? You mayhave tried to zip these folders and files into one single file with password protection - let me tell you, thereare better ways to do it. In this article, we'll go through the steps to encrypt your folders and fileswith free and open source encryption software TrueCrypt. Inside this article:Protect files and folders with file containerHow to use a file container (volume file) with TrueCrypt65. How to use Windows Task Scheduler to automate computer tasksWindows 2000 (XP or greater) comes with Task Scheduler Service that can be used to enable a script, executable program, or a document to run at a designated time. It's like cron jobs on a Unix/Linux server. Inside this article:How to use Windows Task Scheduler to automate computer tasksHow to Troubleshoot if the task does not run66. How to use free FTP program FileZillaFileZilla Client is a free, reliable, and open source FTP client software with cross-platform support for as many features as possible. If you maintain a website, you need FTP client software to upload files to your website and download files from your website to your local computer. Inside this article:How to set up your website connection details in FileZillaHow to create or change file permissions in free FTP program FileZilla67. How to load time zone data for MySQL on WindowsMySQL provides developers with a rich set of Date and Time functions. One of the functions is CONVERT_TZ which converts a datetime value from one time zone to another. This function can use named time zones such as 'MET' or 'Europe/Moscow' from the time zone information tables in system database called mysql.68. How to Connect to a MySQL Database from PHPTo build a MySQL database-driven web application in PHP, the very first thing you need to do is connect to a MySQL database. With only 6 lines of code, you can easily kick start your dynamic website development.69. Use MySQL String Functions to Build ASCII Character ChartThis article shows you how to create an 94 ASCII printable characters chart (excluding the space character) by using MySQL string functions. These characters number from 33 to 126 in decimal base-10 number system.70. How to create include path for PHP (five ways to do it)One thing that people often complain about PHP is that there are always more than one way to do the same thing in PHP. This is very true for PHP includes. Here are 5 ways to create PHP include path.71. How to use Date and Time data as integer value in PHP and MySQLWhen it comes to storing date and time data in MySQL, sometimes it is more convenient to store the equivalent integer data rather than storing the data as date or datetime data type. The main reason to do so is related to easiness of data computation and comparison, data portability, and increased query performance with indexes on integer columns.72. How to use Apache Virtual Host to run multiple local websites on WindowsWith a little bit modifications in Apache's configuration file httpd.conf and Windows hosts file, you can set up and run multiple local websites on one Apache server in a WAMP environment.73. How to install PEAR on your shared web hosting accountAfter you install PEAR on Windows for development use, you will eventually need to install it on your web hosting account for production use. There are two choices when installing PEAR. Inside this article:Install all PEAR packages by yourselfUse the hosting company's PEAR installation74. How to install PEAR on WindowsPEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository, which is a collection of PHP reusable classes. Using PEAR can save you great amount of time to code something that other people already coded, tested, and used. For example, if you need a HTML form validation routine, PEAR has it in its Validate Package.75. How to use PHP and Microsoft SMTP Virtual Server to send emails on WindowsIIS has a built-in SMTP Virtual Server that can be used by PHP mail() function to send emails. If you are connected to Internet, emails will be sent out. If your computer doesn't have Internet connection, you can still use it to send emails but instead actually sending out emails, they will be stored in C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Queue folder...76. How to install PHP on Windows as part of WAMP installationPHP, which stands for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor" is a widely-used Open Source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development. Its syntax draws upon C, Java, and Perl, and is easy to learn. The main goal of the language is to allow web developers to write dynamically generated webpages quickly, but you can do much more with PHP.77. Step by step guide on how to install Apache web server on WindowsThis article illustrates step by step guide on how to install Apache web server on Windows as a development computer. Apache 1.3 was used for installation. Detailed configurations are included.78. Northwind Traders databaseNorthwind Traders Access database is a sample database that shipped with Microsoft Office suite. The Northwind database contains the sales data for a fictitious company called Northwind Traders, which imports and exports specialty foods from around the world. You can use and experiment with Access with Northwind database while you're learning and develop ideas for Access.79. Absolute Path and Relative Path ExplainedWhen you link to a page on the same website, you can use either absolute pathor relative path of the current page location. There are advantages of not using full version of absolute path. Click here to find out.80. How To Drive Free Targeted Website Traffic By Link ExchangeLink Exchange is the process of exchanging hyperlinks with other websites that are ideally somehow related to your company's product or service. If you spend time to exchange links with hundreds or thousands of quality websites, targeted traffic will come to your site anyway. At the end of the day, targeted traffic rules and your effort will be paid off very well in the medium and long run. Inside this article:Why websites exchange linksHow to choose good link partnersUser Friendly and Search Engine Friendly Link DirectoryHow to maintain your link directory81. The Difference Between Dynamic URLs and Static URLsDynamic URLs and static URLs are important factor in terms of search engine optimization. Here the differences between them are identified. After reading this article, you should be able to have a clear idea about the differences and make sound decisions.82. How To Choose A Good Domain NameRegistering a domain name is easy and cheap but choosing a good domain name can be tricky. If you want to kick start your online presence, do it right from the beginning.83. How To Find Out Everything You Want To Know About A WebsiteFor any online business, competitor analysis is an integral part of online marketing and site promotion overall strategies. In this article, I list some of the most commonly used free tools for website analysis.84. Robots Meta HTML Tag Syntax ExplainedUsing robots meta html tag, you can control at page level how search engine robots should index, follow links, or cache a specific page. This page lists all the combinations of syntax for follow, nofollow, index, noindex.85. What If You Don't Want Your Pages To Be Crawled and Cached by Search EnginesSome website owners have pages that they want to hide from general public. This article shows you how to best hide it from the not just public but also search engines.86. What Robots.txt is And Search Engine Robots ExplainedSearch engine robots are also called search engine spiders, search engine crawlers , etc. These robots are human written software programs that can automatically and constantly visit millions of websites everyday and include what they find into search engine databases.87. The Right Domain Name Drives More Website TrafficThere is no doubt that many search engines factor the words you use in your domain name and web page URLs into website ranking algorithm in search results - underscores in domains are treated as letters while treating hyphens are viewed more like space88. Things to Consider Before Signing Up Your Web Hosting AccountThere have been many stories about losing website traffic because of frequent website downtime. Choosing a good hosting company is your first step to online success. The only way to evaluate a host is by research, research, and research. Consider the following points and find out more about each.89. How to fine-tune HTML table structure to speed up page download timeThere are many ways to speed up a web page's load time. Using proper HTML table layout is one of the easy ones to improve. In this article, it shows you how to make a page load fast both visually and physically.90. How to install two different versions of MySQL server on the same PCA computer can run more than one instance of MySQL server with different versions. This article provides a step-by-step server configuration guide for MySQL 4.1 (release 4.1.18) on Windows as a development box when there is already another instance of different version of MySQL server installed.91. How to configure MySQL server 4.1 on WindowsThis article provides step-by-step server configuration guide for MySQL 4.1 (release 4.1.18) on Windows as a development box. Assumed that you don't already have another instance of MySQL server installed on your PC.92. A MD5 checksum file generated by freeware FileCheckMD5This is a MD5 checksum file created by freeware FileCheckMD5. This file is used to test data integrity of all files on a CD-ROM.93. How to use freeware FileCheckMD5 to create a checkfile and verify data integrity of a CD burning processThis article shows you how to use freeware FileCheckMD5 to verify data integrity of a CD burning process. This applies to any other forms of file and folder backups and copies.94. What is checksum and how to calculate and use checksum valuesChecksum is a calculated value that is used to determine the integrity of data. The sender of the data calculates checksum value by taking the sum of the binary data transmitted. When receiving the data, the receiver can perform the same calculation on the data and compare it with the checksum value provided by the sender.If the two values match, the receiver has a high degree of confidence that the data was received correctly. Checksum value is also called hash value.95. How to install MySQL server 4.1 on Windows with screenshotsThis article provides step-by-step installation guide for MySQL 4.1 (release 4.1.18) on Windows as a development machine. Other releases of MySQL which are higher than 4.1 should have similar installation process.96. How to set up MySQL DSN in ODBC Data Source Administrator on WindowsYou can use ODBC Data Sources to access data stored in a variety of DBMS such as MS SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and many others. To access data in a ODBC-compliant DBMS database, you must add software components called drivers to your system. ODBC Data Source Administrator helps you add and configure these drivers.97. How to export Northwind Access database to MySQLIn this article, we are going to export the popular Microsoft Access Northwind database to MySQL database by using MySQL ODBC Driver. After the migration, you will be able to use MySQL Northwind to explore the rich functionalities of working with MySQL. Inside this article:Export Northwind Access database to MySQL via ODBCMake northwind a true relational database in MySQLRestore northwind database from SQL dumpNorthwind database schemaImplement file directory based image management98. What is index.dat file and how your internet privacy is affectedMany internet users never even heard about the existence of index.dat file. After reading this article, you should become at least aware of the potential privacy issues this file could expose you to.99. What is keylogger and the differences between software and hardware keyloggerKeyloggers are two-edged swords. They can be used for good and bad, depending on how people use them and what the purpose is. Equipping yourself with knowledge about keyloggers is the best way to stop the bad and utilize it for the good.100. Protect Your Computer On the Internet For Free - 6 Essential StepsStep-by-step essentials that you can easily follow to protect your computer on the Internet for free. The best part is that all the tools and software are available for 100% FREE.101. Free Password Manager KeePass - a feature rich, free, very secure, and easy-to-useKeePass is a free/open-source password manager or safe which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key-disk. So you only have to remember one single master password or insert the key-disk to unlock the whole database. Inside this article:Introduce Free Password Manager - KeePassBeef up your security with a key fileHow to back up KeePassUse KeeForm to log into a secure website automaticallyUse Auto-Type to log in a web page automaticallyUse On-Screen Keyboard with KeePassOpen URLs in different web browsersHow to use KeePass in a more secure way102. Do you manage your username and password wisely?A few years back I used MS Excel to manage all my usernames and passwords. Ithought I would just need to remember one password to open the Excel workbookand I would get all the information I needed. The idea was good but not secureenough.103. Introduce Free Password Manager - Password SafePassword Safe is a password database utility. It can keep track of unlimitednumber of usernames / passwords and allows you to safely and easily maintainthem in a secured and encrypted file. A single Master Password unlocks them allfor your use. 1. MySQL constraints explained by examplesThis tutorial explains the 7 types of MySQL constraints and how to create them by using practical examples.2. Update multiple rows (distinctive by primary key) for multiple columns in one queryThis tutorial demonstrates 3 ways to update multiple rows (distinctive by primary key) for multiple columns in one query.3. Update multiple rows (distinctive by primary key) with different values in one queryThis tutorial demonstrates 3 ways to update multiple rows (distinctive by primary key) with different values in one query.4. Use GREATEST function to find the LARGEST value from multiple argumentsThis tutorial shows how to use MySQL GREATEST function to find the largest value of two or more arguments. The arguments can be pure values and/or values from table fields/columns.5. How to make case-sensitive comparison in MySQLThis tutorial shows how to make case-sensitive comparison in MySQL6. How to disable (or enable) Safe Updates in MySQLThis tutorial shows how to disable (or enable) Safe Updates in MySQL.7. Use LEAST function to find the SMALLEST value from multiple argumentsThis tutorial shows how to use MySQL LEAST function to find the smallest value of two or more arguments. The arguments can be pure values and/or values from table fields/columns.8. How to generate Cumulative Sum (running total) by MySQL - Part 2This tutorial demonstrates how to generate Cumulative Sum (running total) by using MySQL RANK() function.9. How to generate Cumulative Sum (running total) by MySQL - Part 1This tutorial demonstrates how to generate Cumulative Sum (running total) by MySQL10. 3 ways to get Top N rows from MySQLThis tutorial shows three different ways to get top N records from a MySQL table.11. Two ways to add a unique number or ID to each rowThis tutorial shows two ways about how to add row numbers to a table or a query result set12. Use RANK function to update a previous record within a group or partitionThis tutorial is customized from a practical case where MySQL ranking function RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), or ROW_NUMBER() is used in a multi-steps solution to update a previous record within a group or partition.13. Using LIMIT, SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() to Page Thru Query Result in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to use LIMIT and SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS and FOUND_ROWS() to Page Thru Query Result.14. How to Simulate Full Join in MySQL - Part 3: use UNION to simulate FULL JOINThis tutorial demonstrates how to simulate Full Join by using UINON in MySQL.15. Compare RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), and ROW_NUMBER() functionThis page compares the common attributes as well as differences between RANK(), DENSE_RANK(), and ROW_NUMBER() function.16. MySQL ROW_NUMBER() functionThis tutorial covers how to use ROW_NUMBER() function in MySQL.17. MySQL DENSE_RANK() functionThis tutorial covers how to use DENSE_RANK() function in MySQL.18. MySQL RANK() functionThis tutorial covers how to use RANK() function in MySQL.19. How to fill down empty cells with values from a previous non-empty rowThis tutorial shows the various tips and tricks for filling blank cells from a previous non-empty row.20. How to Work with NULL ValuesThis tutorial shows the various tips and tricks for dealing with NULL values in MySQL.21. How to Calculate Totals, Subtotals and Grand TotalThis tutorial talks about a few techniques used to calculate total, subtotal, and grand total in MySQL.22. How to Fill Gaps in Sales DataThis tutorial shows 2 techniques used to fill gaps in sales data.23. Differences Between Join and UnionThis tutorial shows the differences between SQL join and union.24. Use Cross Join to Combine Data in MySQLThis tutorial shows how to use cross join to combine data.25. How to Simulate Full Join in MySQL - Part 2: return unmatched rows onlyThis tutorial is the second part about Full Join in MySQL, it shows how to return records from both the left and right tables for unmatched rows only.26. Create Northwind database in MySQLThis page shows how to use CREATE DATABASE statement to create Northwind database.27. SQL Views in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the SQL Views in Northwind database.28. The Order Details table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Order Details table in Northwind database.29. The Orders table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Orders table in Northwind database.30. The Shippers table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Shippers table in Northwind database.31. The Employees table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Employees table in Northwind database.32. The Customers table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Customers table in Northwind database.33. The Products table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Products table in Northwind database.34. The Suppliers table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Suppliers table in Northwind database.35. The Categories table in MySQL Northwind databaseThis page introduces the Categories table in Northwind database.36. What is Northwind database in MySQLThis page shows what Northwind database is in MySQL as well as entity relationship diagram between tables.37. How to Simulate Full Join in MySQL - Part 1: return both matched and unmatched rowsThis tutorial shows how to do Full Join to return all the records from both the left and right tables for either matched or unmatched rows.38. Using Outer Joins to Combine Data from Two TablesThis tutorial covers how to create outer join statement in MySQL to combine data from two tables.39. How to do MINUS/EXCEPT and INTERSECT in MySQLThis tutorial demonstrates how to do MINUS/EXCEPT and INTERSECT in MySQL40. Create working tables to demonstrate how to mimic set operators MINUS, EXCEPT, INTERSECT in MySQLThis tutorial demonstrates how working tables are created to mimic set operators MINUS, EXCEPT, INTERSECT in MySQL41. SQL Set Operators - a Visual Guide to UNION, UNION ALL, MIMUS/EXCEPT, INTERSECTThis tutorial visually shows what SQL set operators are42. Using MySQL REPLACE (INTO) to mimic DELETE + INSERTThis tutorial shows how to use REPLACE (INTO) function to do DELETE and INSERT. 43. Create MySQL temporary tableThis example demonstrates the most commonly used feature in MySQL - how to create and use temporary table.44. Create MySQL table by using another tableThis example demonstrates how to create a MySQL table by using another table.45. Create MySQL table by using CREATE TABLE statementThis example demonstrates the most commonly used attributes when creating a table by SQL. After completing this tutorial, you should be able to apply the syntax to create your own table without much modifications. 46. How to Work with Two Unrelated ValuesThis tutorial shows you a simple tip in MySQL about how to work with two unrelated values.47. MySQL Northwind Queries - Part 3This tutorial demonstrates the various SQL scripts for MySQL version, converted from the famous MS Access Northwind database.48. MySQL Northwind Queries - Part 2This tutorial demonstrates the various SQL scripts for MySQL version, converted from the famous MS Access Northwind database.49. MySQL Northwind Queries - Part 1This tutorial demonstrates the various SQL scripts for MySQL version, converted from the famous MS Access Northwind database.50. Prerequisites for MySQL Query Practices51. Combine update and insert into one statementThis tutorial demonstrates how to update an existing row in the table when you do insert.52. Using Bulk Insert StatementThis tutorial demonstrates how to use MySQL bulk insert statement.53. How to do cross-table update in MySQL - Part 2This is part 2 of the tutorial how to do cross-table update in MySQL based on whether they match or don't match records in another table.54. How to do cross-table update in MySQL - Part 1This tutorial demonstrates how to do cross-table update in MySQL based on whether they match or don't match records in another table.55. How to create and use AUTO_INCREMENT column and use LAST_INSERT_ID functionThis tutorial demonstrates how to create and use AUTO_INCREMENT column in MySQL.56. Basic insert statementThis tutorial demonstrates how to use the basic insert statement in MySQL.57. Use outer join in updateThis tutorial demonstrates how to use outer join in update statement for MySQL.58. How to update data in a specific order in MySQLThis tutorial demonstrates how to update data in a specific order in MySQL.59. How to update top N rows of data in MySQLThis tutorial shows how to update top N rows of data in MySQL.60. Update Statement in MySQLThis tutorial demonstrates how to create MySQL UPDATE statement and what are the considerations.61. Using LIMIT and OFFSET to Page Thru Query Result in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to use LIMIT and offset to Page Thru Query Result.62. Summarizing Data From Multiple Tables in MySQL - Part 2This is the second part of the tutorial that covers how to summarize data from multiple tables in MySQL.63. Summarizing Data From Multiple Tables in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to summarize data from multiple tables in MySQL by using Group By clause and Join statement.64. Using GROUP BY with HAVING Clause in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to conditionally show data after they are grouped in MySQL.65. More About GROUP BY Clause in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to use Group By clause in MySQL.66. Using Aggregate Functions in MySQL67. JOIN a table with a subqueryThis tutorial covers how to write subqueries with JOIN operation in MySQL.68. Using subquery in FROM clause in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to write subquery in FROM clause.69. Using subquery in SELECT statement in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to write subqueries in SELECT statement in MySQL to return a single value (known as single-value subquery or scalar subquery).70. Using EXISTS and NOT EXISTS in correlated subqueries in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS in correlated subqueries in MySQL.71. Using correlated subqueriesThis tutorial covers how to write correlated subqueries in MySQL.72. Using subquery to return one or more rows of values (known as row subquery)This tutorial covers how to write subqueries in MySQL to return a row of values (known as column subquery).73. Using subquery to return a list of values (known as column subquery)This tutorial covers how to write subqueries in MySQL to return a list of values (known as column subquery).74. Using subquery to return a single value (known as single-value subquery or scalar subquery)This tutorial covers how to write subqueries in MySQL to return a single value (known as single-value subquery or scalar subquery).75. What is subqueryThis tutorial covers what subquery is in MySQL.76. Using UNION to Append Result SetsThis tutorial covers how to use union to append result sets in MySQL.77. Using Self Joins to Combine Data from the Same TableThis tutorial covers how to use self join in MySQL to combine data from the same tables.78. Another Example for Outer Joins (three tables)This tutorial covers how to create outer join statement in MySQL to combine data from three tables.79. Using Inner Joins to Combine Data from Two TablesThis tutorial covers how to create inner join statement in MySQL to combine data from two tables.80. Using Aggregate Functions and Group By Clause in MySQLThis tutorial covers how to use Aggregate Functions and Group By clause in MySQL.81. Using MySQL Comparison FunctionsThis tutorial covers how to use Comparison Functions (Coalesce, Greatest, Interval, Isnull, Least) in MySQL.82. Using MySQL Conversion FunctionsThis tutorial covers how to use Conversion Functions (Binary, Cast, Convert) in MySQL.83. Using MySQL Control Flow FunctionsThis tutorial covers how to use Control Flow Functions (CASE, IF, IFNULL, and NULLIF) in MySQL.84. Using MySQL Date and Time Functions, Part 3This tutorial covers how to use MySQL Date and Time functions for Part 3.85. Using MySQL Date and Time Functions, Part 2This tutorial covers how to use MySQL Date and Time functions for Part 2.86. Using MySQL Date and Time Functions, Part 1This tutorial covers how to use MySQL Date and Time functions for Part 1.87. Using String Functions, Part 3Continue from Part 2, here is last part of this String Functions series.88. Using String Functions, Part 2This tutorial covers how to use String Functions in MySQL.89. Using String Functions, Part 1This tutorial covers how to use String Functions in MySQL.90. Eliminating Duplicate RowsThis tutorial covers how to use eliminate duplicate records in SELECT statement for MySQL.91. Using Logical OperatorsThis tutorial covers how to use logical operators in SELECT statement in MySQL.92. Using LIKE Comparison OperatorThis tutorial covers detailed information about how to use LIKE comparison operator in SELECT statement in MySQL.93. Using Comparison Operators, Part IIThis tutorial covers more information about how to use comparison operators in SELECT statement in MySQL.94. Using Comparison Operators, Part IThis tutorial covers how to use comparison operators in SELECT statement in MySQL.95. Using LIMIT Clause to Constrain the Number of Rows RetrievedThis tutorial covers how to use LIMIT clause to constrain the number of rows returned in SELECT statement in MySQL.96. Sorting DataThis tutorial covers how to sort data rows by using ORDER BY clause in SQL SELECT statement for MySQL.97. Use WHERE Clause to Conditionally Select RowsThis tutorial covers how to use WHERE clause to conditionally select rows in SELECT statement in MySQL.98. Perform Arithmetic OperationsThis tutorial covers how to do arithmetic operations in SQL SELECT statement.99. Using Literal Character StringsThis tutorial covers how to use literal character strings in SQL SELECT statement.100. Using Column Alias in SELECT StatementWhat is column alias in a table and how to use it effectively.101. The Basic SELECT StatementTutorial about what we can do with MySQL SELECT statement and what the requirements are.102. Foreign Key Relationships and ConsiderationsHow to create and enforce foreign key relationships in MySQL. Foreign key constraint defines how referential integrity is enforced between two tables.103. Primary Key Constraint and Unique ConstraintThis tutorial demonstrates how to enforce Primary Key constraint and UNIQUE constraint in MySQL.104. How to Enforce Default Constraint and Nullability ConstraintThis tutorial demonstrates how to enforce Default constraint and Nullability constraint in MySQL.105. How to Enforce Data Type ConstraintData type constraint is defined when you create a new table or modify an existing table. This tutorial demonstrates how to create and maintain MySQL data type constraint.106. Enforce Data Integrity by Database ConstraintsData integrity refers to the accuracy, consistency, and reliability of data that is stored in the database. Enforce data integrity by database constraints.107. How to Design Relational DatabaseDatabase normalization is clearly going to make our data management more efficiently. Remembering the following three short sentences can help you quickly recall what each normalization is all about.Free Software:1. 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